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AI and the Brain - Learning from Natural Intelligence


Due to unforeseen circumstances this event has been cancelled. Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience. More information on reimbursement will follow.

The Latsis Symposium 'AI and the Brain’ aims to address the fundamental knowledge gap that currently exists with respect to how training of artificial neuronal networks (ANNs) and learning in biological neuronal networks (BNNs) are organised.

To better understand how biological neuronal networks in our brain implement strong general intelligence and to inspire novel ANN architectures and learning algorithms, the symposium will take an interdisciplinary approach and combine talks from neuroscience (theoretical and experimental) as well as computer science (deep learning).  

The interdisciplinary nature of this symposium is also reflected in the scientific interests and the affiliation of the organizers at the departmental level (D-ITET, D-INFK and D-HEST).

Key Note Lectures

Invited Speakers

The following speakers have agreed to provide presentations:

The meeting is sponsored by

Main Sponsor:

Latsis Foundation


Mindfire Foundation

ETH Zurich

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